In our society, there is so much emphasis on assisting other people. Maybe you are taking care of your family, kids, loved ones, and friends 2/47. Or are constantly giving and providing your energy to make sure everyone else is ok – but when do you take a second to check in with yourself?

Self-care is not selfish. Self care plays a huge role in supporting your physical and mental health, especially after receiving a cancer diagnosis and going through cancer treatment. The term ‘self-care’ can seem daunting, uncomfortable, and scary. However, self-care is essential to your overall wellbeing and mental self. Self-care encompasses a lot of basic but overlooked practices such as getting enough sleep, meditating, practicing gratitude, and saying ‘no’ to things that do not resonate with you.

“Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.” – Audre Lorde

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

It may surprise you that one of the best and most effective practices you can do for self-care and stress relief is nothing at all. Well, maybe that is actually a bit misleading! Silencing the mind and tuning inwards isn’t really nothing – in fact, it can take time and practice to cultivate a solid foundation to reach inner stillness and peace. However, carving out time to silence the mind will always pay off. Meditation trains your brain to tune into the present moment, to focus on your breath, and to give your body the time and space it needs to relax. By sitting down and paying attention to where you are without distractions, you begin to accept and dismiss the thoughts and emotions that arise. Through consistent practice, you train the subconscious mind to do this even when you are not meditating. This self-care practice guides you to leading (and living!) a more mindful life on a day to day basis, and is effective for cancer patient’s care.

Meditating also provides you with the opportunity to set intentions that propel you to manifesting positive energy, all while tapping into the pure joy that you desire. One way to embark and begin your self-care practice is through our Meditation Program on the OncoPower App. By practicing our guided meditations and breathing exercises, you can jumpstart your self-care routine that reduces the stress and anxiety that cancer can bring. Led by Mindfulness Coach and Meditation teacher, Natalie Thomas, you can also sign up for 1:1 sessions for further assistance and more personalized coaching. OncoPower is one of the leading sources for support for cancer patients.

Expressing Gratitude

Another important form of self-care is expressing gratitude. Just by waking up in the morning and thinking of five things that you are grateful for is a practice of self-care. The benefits of gratitude are endless. When you give thanks for what you have in the present moment, no matter what is going on in your life, the universe will conspire to provide you with more to express gratitude for.

Through journaling and/or meditation, see if you can create time to notice and reflect upon the people, places, things, moments you cherish. Some additional benefits are: you begin to relish more positive emotions, your sleep improves, you are able to express more kindness and compassion (for both yourself and others), and you can begin to feel more ‘present’ and alive. 

Expressing gratitude can even assist your body in building a stronger immune system. This is beneficial when going through cancer treatment. Gratitude expression can be for something big in your life, such as a child and/or family member, but it can also be for something as simple as expressing gratitude for a nice cup of coffee in the morning.


Affirmations are phrases / mantras that can assist you in overcoming challenging life moments, such as cancer, by subconsciously training the mind to think positive thoughts versus self-sabotaging thoughts. This is another self-care practice.

When one is diagnosed with cancer, it can be difficult to not have negative thinking which can manifest into increased anxiety and depression. Negative thinking can turn into destructive self-fulling prophecies, which is why it’s extremely important to rewire the nervous system to think thoughts that are in alignment with healing, love, and harmony.

Affirmations help you take control of your thoughts. When repeated and practiced regularly, each phrase / mantra begins to become engraved into the conscious and subconscious mind, so you actually start to ‘believe’ that each positive thought is true. While it is completely normal to think negatively from time to time, know that affirmations can shift your emotions, behaviors, and overall energy levels all for the better.

Affirmations can reaffirm positivity and self-assurance back into your life while assisting you on the path of healing. We also recommend you check out our Affirmation Meditations on the OncoPower App to assist you in further in your healing and wellness journey. You can also find a growing cancer support community on the OncoPower App.

Additional Self-Care practices:

  1. Take an epsom salt bath
  2. Stretch for 20 minutes
  3. Savor your favorite cup of tea
  4. Journal
  5. Read a book on self-care
  6. Take a 20-min walk
  7. Tap into your creativity 
  8. Use a soothing face mask

For more information, please visit us at OncoPower today!

Meditation. This word can seem scary at first. Taking time to sit in silence? Quieting the mind? Not ‘thinking’? What does that even mean?

For many of us, Meditation is a concept that goes against everything we have been taught. Since we were young, the majority of us have been programmed to constantly work hard-play hard, which consists of working long hours that eventually leads to burnout. We might have lived with the fear that if we took a break, or slowed down, we would be holding ourselves back from ‘success’. Our society has engraved in us to constantly be busy. We might even feel pressure, now in this moment, to always be doing something: whether it’s working, making plans, going to dinner, taking care of loved ones, etc. However, in doing so, we neglect our own needs of taking time to ourselves, finding stillness, and going within. The result? Increased stress/anxiety, heightened blood pressure, insomnia, digestive issues, depression, and illnesses (to name a few).

Through the practice of Meditation, we are able to take a second out of our day to pause, center our thoughts, and ease our minds. The power of Meditation allows us to slow down our breathing to come back to a place of stillness. Through the power of our breath, we begin to take ourselves (and our bodies) out of ‘fight or flight mode’ that stress can bring. We learn how to cultivate a sense of trust within ourselves. And with practice, we start to embody the feelings of peace that we may have longed for.

Meditation is when we take the time to close our eyes and sit with ourselves, whether through silence, music, or using guided meditations. When we meditate, we begin to reprogram the subconscious mind to be in alignment with our conscious mind. It is now scientifically proven that Meditation begins to strengthen the neural pathways in the brain that activates our ‘feel good’ receptors and dopamine production. It is also very effective to help reduce stress when going through cancer treatment.

Meditation is a lot like going to the gym. It can take time and patience to strengthen our Meditation ‘muscle’. You might not notice the results following one session, but with practice you slowly start to see the results. Meditation begins to change you from the inside out, and is an incredibly useful practice for cancer support.

Physically, you can heal the body, release tension, activate your digestive system and slow your heart rate. Mentally, you begin to slowly creep out of depression. Stress and anxiety begins to dissipate and might not be as present as it once was. Emotionally, you feel more stable, more happy and at peace. You might feel like you have control over your emotions and can make decisions with a clear mind. Spiritually, you begin to feel more connected to something greater than yourself. Your intuition becomes stronger and you embody a deep presence that everything is going to be ok. 

There are so many incredible benefits that Meditation can bring. Meditation assists you in managing stress from cancer treatment rather than letting stress control you. Your thoughts soon become present, but they do not consume you and your emotional state. Sitting alone with ourselves – and our thoughts – seems scary. But with practice, it becomes easier and easier. Even just two minutes of Meditation can have a changing effect on the body, mind and soul. It all starts with giving yourself a few moments to be alone with YOU.

How To Mediate? (Natalie’s tips)

  • To begin, either start laying down or sitting upright.
  • You can always set a timer for 5, 10, or 20 minutes.
  • If sitting upright, have your feet planted on the floor and your sit bones rooted on your chair. Keep your spine nice and long and roll your shoulder down your back. Allow the shoulder to relax.
  • Close your eyes. With the eyes closed, your eyes are slightly lifted gazing at the space between the eyebrows. This is so you notice the difference between sleeping and meditation.
  • Begin by taking three long, deep inhales and exhales. With each breath you take, imagine all stress and anxiety leaving the body.
  • Feel free to put on some relaxing music while you focus on your breath.
  • You can use a Mantra – a word / phrase – to assist you if the mind starts to wonder. 
  • A Mantra can be: Inhale PEACE, and Exhale LOVE.
  • We highly suggest using our Mindfulness Meditation Modules found on the OncoPower app.

If you have more questions and/or would like to start your Meditation journey, feel free to check out our OncoPower App for guided meditations and additional support. The OncoPower App is a cancer support community to assist cancer patients. Happy Meditating!

Did you know that women have a 1 in 78 chance of developing ovarian cancer in their lifetime? It should be no wonder, then, that 21,410 women receive an ovarian cancer diagnosis each year. 

Ovarian cancer starts in the ovaries. The ovaries are female reproductive organs responsible for producing eggs and hormones. Ovarian cancer can spread from the ovaries to other regions, including the abdomen and pelvis.

It’s critical to treat ovarian cancer before it metastasizes. Allowing ovarian cancer cells to leave the ovaries can make a full recovery less likely. Plus, advanced ovarian cancer can lead to further complications like fertility loss.

Are you wondering: do I have ovarian cancer? Then you need to look out for the early signs and symptoms. Keep reading for everything you need to know about ovarian cancer, signs you might have it, and your treatment options.


There are over 30 different types of ovarian cancer. Each type gets its name from the location in the body where the tumor originates.

Here are the most common types of ovarian cancer.


Epithelial tumors make up 85–90% of ovarian cancers. 

Epithelial tissues line the entire body, protect hollow organs and cavities, and make up hormone-producing glands. Epithelial cells also cover the ovaries. Ovarian cancer originates from these cells.

Germ Cell

Only 2% of all cases originate from germ cells. 

Germ cells are precursors to gametes. Gametes are also known as egg and sperm cells. Germ cell ovarian cancer starts in egg-producing germ cells.

Unlike other types of ovarian cancer, germ cell tumors are more common in young women and teens. And the good news is that germ cell tumors tend to only affect one ovary. This can improve the ability to maintain fertility.


Stomal tumors are the least common type of ovarian cancer of these three. It makes up less than 1% of all diagnosed cases of ovarian cancer. 

Stroma is connective cells binding organs to epithelial tissues. Stroma also surrounds the ovaries, where its job is to produce hormones. This is also where stromal tumors begin.

Vaginal bleeding is a sign of a stromal tumor and the reason why many stromal cancers are caught early on. If you’re post-menopausal, vaginal bleeding may be a sign of this cancer type.

Who’s At Risk?

50% of diagnoses occur in women over the age of 63. This type of cancer also tends to occur more commonly in white than black women. Also, obesity may be a risk factor, though we need more research to learn why.

Gene mutations to breast cancer genes 1 and 2 cause a small number of ovarian cancer cases each year. Similarly, having two or more close relatives who had ovarian cancer confers a higher risk.

Women who have undergone long-term or high-dose estrogen HRT (hormone replacement therapy), women who start their periods early in life, and women who start menopause late in life are at a higher risk for ovarian cancer.

Symptoms Explained

Cancer of the ovaries can be difficult to catch because it’s often symptomless. The following signs usually begin to arise when the tumor metastasizes (spreads to other tissues in the body).


Bloating and/or swelling of the abdomen is an early-stage symptom. But it’s also the most common sign of advanced ovarian cancer.

Bloating occurs when the tumor starts to irritate the inside of the abdominal wall. The stomach responds by producing a fluid, which leads to bloating.

Fluid buildup can also result from cancer cells spreading to the liver or lymphatic system, both of which also produce fluid as a response to foreign irritants.

When the fluid then leaks from the liver or lymphatic system into the stomach, bloating may occur.

Weight Changes

It can cause weight gain and/or weight loss as a symptom.

A primary reason for weight loss is that it often causes loss of appetite. And losing the desire for food commonly leads to unintentional weight loss.

Some women with ovarian tumors also experience weight gain, especially if the tumor is large. Constipation — a common sign of ovarian cancer — is another cause of weight gain. Normal digestion can’t occur when you’re constipated.

Belly Pain or Discomfort

When an ovarian tumor gets large enough, it may begin to press against nearby organs like the intestines and colon. This is why many people experience constipation.

The pressure can also lead to issues with the pelvis and lower belly. For example, belly pain or an upset stomach are often ovarian cancer symptoms. Pain during intercourse is yet another sign you may have an ovarian tumor.

Quick Satiety

Cancerous tumors release hormones. And these hormones can interfere with our body’s natural hormone signaling.

One result of this hormone disruption is that your satiety cues (which make us feel full after a meal) may be thrown out of whack.

You might start feeling full when you haven’t eaten much. Another sign is if you lose your appetite altogether.

Frequent Urination

Ovarian tumors may also press against the bladder. When this happens, you may feel like you have to go all the time, leading to frequent urination.

Treatment Options

Treatment varies depending on how advanced the cancer is, the type of ovarian cancer, and the tumor’s size.

Oncologists’ primary treatment recommendation for ovarian cancer is surgery. The surgeon can remove the tumor. Then, you’ll likely undergo chemotherapy, which will kill off any remaining cells surgery couldn’t address.

Sometimes, it comes back after treatment. Unfortunately, this happens in about 70% of cases. Symptoms of a re-occurring ovarian tumor include:

  • Stomach bloating, swelling, or pain
  • Nausea and indigestion
  • Changes in appetite
  • Lower back or pelvic pressure
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Fatigue

The best way to avoid a relapse is to reduce your risk factors and attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor.

Get Your Top Ovarian Cancer Questions Answered With Oncopower

It doesn’t always present with symptoms until more advanced stages. Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the above signs of a tumor on your ovaries.

Do you have more questions about the symptoms of ovarian cancer? Oncopower is a convenient app allowing you to connect with an oncologist whenever, wherever you’re located. Register for Oncopower today!

Are you one of the 168,000 Americans living with metastatic breast cancer? Chemotherapy has been a standard part of treatment for decades. While this is still often a key component, there are several new treatment approaches.

Keep reading to learn about other options that are having a positive impact.

Overview of Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment Goals

Metastatic breast cancer means that breast cancer cells are now in other body parts. This can include nearby tissue or distant areas such as the liver, bones, lungs, or other sites.

The term “overall survival” describes the length of the person’s life. It also includes whether the cancer grows or returns. The goal of treating metastatic breast cancer is three-fold.

Treatments strive to achieve the longest possible survival. They work to limit the side effects of cancer and the interventions. And to achieve the highest quality of life possible.

Currently, there’s no cure for metastatic cancer. Yet, new approaches are prolonging survival.

New Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment Options

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to approve new therapies. These approaches have been proven beneficial in clinical trials before their release. The following gives an overview of these new regimens.


In general, cancer overwhelms and defeats the body’s natural immune system defenses. This allows cancer cells to grow and spread. The goal of immunotherapy cancer treatment is to prevent or slow cancer cell growth.

It blocks the interactions of program cell death 1 (PD-1) receptors with program death ligand 1 (PD-L1). This enhances your body’s antitumor immunity.

Depending on your disease pattern, immunotherapy may be the only treatment. In other cases, it’s combined with other forms of cancer therapy.

There are two agents that the FDA has approved for use combined with chemotherapy. They treat triple-negative metastatic breast cancer (TNMBC) that’s PD-L1 positive.

Tecentriq (Atezolizumab) and Abraxane (Nab-Paclitaxel)

The Impassion 130 study compared using immunotherapy and chemotherapy vs. chemotherapy alone. One group received atezolizumab (immunotherapy) plus nab-paclitaxel (chemotherapy). The other TNMBC group received nab-paclitaxel alone.

Patients with PD-L1 positive tumors had longer survival with the combination therapy.

Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) and Chemotherapy

The KEYNOTE-355 study also evaluated treatment for patients with TNMBC. Some participants received pembrolizumab (immunotherapy) and chemotherapy. The other group had chemotherapy alone.

Combining pembrolizumab and chemotherapy showed improved progression-free survival. This benefited those with PD-L1 positive tumors more than only chemotherapy.

Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC)

ADCs are new highly potent biological class drugs. They attach small-molecule anticancer drugs or other treatment agents to an antibody. This antibody then targets specified cells that have a specific antigen on them.

Once the ADC binds to the target cell it delivers the anticancer drug into the diseased cell. This optimizes the drug efficacy while reducing systemic exposure. Thus, patients have fewer side effects.

One ADC trial showed the efficacy of Trodelvy (sacituzumab govitecan) in TNMBC patients. These patients had already undergone at least two chemotherapy regimens.

Another ADC, Enhertu (trastuzumab deruxtecan), was also very effective. This study included patients who already received significant treatments.

Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase (PARP) Inhibitors

PARP is an enzyme that repairs damage to DNA in cells. PARP inhibitors treat cancer by stopping this repair in cancer cells, so they die. These drugs specifically target cancer cells while mostly avoiding healthy cells.

It’s used to treat people with TNMBC and hormone receptor-positive disease. Patients that have HER2-negative disease and express a germline BRCA mutation also benefitted.

This treatment for patients involves an oral medication that’s taken at home. It often has fewer side effects than chemotherapy. There are two PARP inhibitors approved for treating breast cancer at this time.

Lynparza (Olaparib) and Talzenna (Talazoparib)

The OlympiAD study reported improved quality of life with olaparib. The patients have already undergone one to two lines of chemotherapy. The median progression-free survival was 2.8 months longer.

Talzenna (talazoparib) studies also showed improved progression-free survival. This rate was better than patients treated with chemotherapy.

Combined Targeted and Hormonal Therapy

Kisqali (ribociclib) and Ibrance (palbociclib) provide benefits when given with hormone therapy. They belong to the class of drugs called selective cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors.

These drugs inhibit the cyclin-dependent proteins kinase 4 and 6 (CDK4/6). When these proteins become overactive, they help cancer cells rapidly divide and grow.

Thus, they precisely target CDK4/6. The goal is to stop the uncontrollable growth and division of cancer cells.

This drug works best when given with hormone therapies. This stops the estrogen’s stimulation of cancer cell growth.

Hormone receptor-positive (HR-positive) breast cancers grow faster when stimulated by hormones. This includes estrogen and/or progesterone. Hormone therapies work to reduce the levels of these hormones.

Hormone therapies include Femara (letrozole), an aromatase inhibitor, and Faslodex (fulvestrant). Ribociclib, palbociclib, and letrozole are pills that you take by mouth. Fulvestrant comes in a pre-filled syringe that’s injected into the muscle.

This combination regimen offers better survival for women with breast cancer. This specifically included those with metastatic, HER2-negative, or HR-positive types.

Endocrine Therapy

Endocrine Therapy (ET) alone or combined with targeted agents reduces the tumor burden. Patients also experience fewer side effects and toxicities compared to chemotherapy. This regimen is useful with receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer.

ETs work by targeting the estrogen receptors to deplete estrogen levels. The goal is to improve quality of life and prolong survival time.

Are You or a Family Member Dealing With Cancer?

This article discussed the latest options for metastatic breast cancer treatment. OncoPower offers on demand care for patients in active cancer treatment and cancer survivors. You can ask a board-certified oncologist using our Ask-A-Doc tool, or order for a second opinion. You’ll have FREE access to oncologists with Ask-a-Doc tool 24/7. You can ask any number of questions without a credit card number.

You can also get second opinions and receive rewards when you invite someone to OncoPower. The second opinion feature is like a marketplace nothing between you and your physicians.

In addition, OncoPower offers patients with FREE treatment specific patient education videos, a secure medical storage tool, pill reminder features. You’ll also find advocacy groups in your community.

Remote Patient Monitoring

If you’re a healthcare provider, this can enhance your care. To improve clinical care, OncoPower enables oncologists to remotely monitor cancer patient’s vitals like temperature, blood pressure, weight and pulse to improve quality of life for patients.  Sign up today Free!

The COVID-19 pandemic put a strain on many cancer patient’s treatments and support. Telehealth offers a virtual way for patients and providers to interact. Advances in technology have also facilitated symptom monitoring and physical assessment.

Home-based automated systems helped providers track vital signs and symptoms. These systems send alerts to the healthcare provider if there’s a change in the patient’s conditions.

This reduces the patient’s risk of exposure to COVID and other diseases. It also facilitated emotional support for patients and families coping with cancer.

Onboard your practice or institution today to give patients a complete digital experience.

If you or someone you love is suffering from cancer, then you may have heard of immunotherapy.

If you’re wondering ‘what is immunotherapy?’, it’s a form of cancer treatment that helps your immune system battle cancer. Your immune system is there so your body can battle diseases and infections. Your immune system is made up of white blood cells and organs and tissues of the lymph system.

This form of cancer treatment is a type of biological therapy. Biological therapy is a form of treatment using substances from living organisms to treat cancer.

To learn more about immunotherapy, keep reading.

How Does the Immune System Fight Cancer?

Your immune system comprises a complex process your body uses to fight illnesses like cancer. This procedure involves your cells, organs, and proteins.

Cancer can typically beat many of the immune system’s natural defenses, enabling cancer cells to continue to grow. Different forms of immunotherapy work in various ways. Some immunotherapy cancer treatments help the immune system prevent or slow the growth of cancer cells.

Other immunotherapy treatments help the immune system kill cancer cells or prevent cancer from spreading to other areas of the body.

Immunotherapy can be used alone or combined with other different types of cancer treatments.

There are plenty of forms of immunotherapy. They include:

  • Monoclonal antibodies and tumor-agnostic treatments, like checkpoint inhibitors
  • Oncolytic virus therapy
  • T-cell therapy
  • Cancer vaccines

The type of immunotherapy drug, dose, and treatment schedule depends on various factors.

These factors include:

  • Type of cancer
  • Size
  • Location
  • Where cancer has spread

Your age, overall health, body weight, and how well you can deal with side effects are also essential to consider. Please speak with your professional health care team regarding why they suggest a specific immunotherapy plan.

Which Cancers Are Treated with Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy cancer treatment drugs have been approved for use with many types of cancer. But, the treatment isn’t yet as widely used as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy.

Speak with your health care team to see if immunotherapy can be used to treat your cancer.

What Are Some Common Side Effects?

Some forms of immunotherapy attack cancer or slow its spread to other areas of the body. Other types make it is easier for the immune system to kill cancer cells. Immunotherapy may lead to the immune system attacking healthy cells, which can lead to side effects.

Some common side effects of immunotherapy treatment include skin reactions. Skin redness, blistering, and dryness are typical reactions to immunotherapy. The skin on the fingertips sometimes cracks.

The skin may also become more sensitive to sunlight. If your skin is scratched, it may break, making it more susceptible to infections. Inflammation surrounding the nails can make grooming, dressing, and other activities challenging or painful.

Other common side effects of immunotherapy include flu-like symptoms. These include fatigue, fever, weakness, vomiting, dizziness, body aches, and chills. These symptoms are especially common in non-specific immunotherapy and oncolytic virus therapy.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to stay hydrated. If you have difficulties keeping any liquids down, speak with your doctor on how to manage these side effects. Many side effects and symptoms will fade alone, but others can be severe and require immediate attention.

Individuals may experience other side effects, including:

  • Muscle aches
  • Difficulties breathing or shortness of the breath
  • Edema (swelling of the legs)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Diarrhea
  • Coughing
  • Hormone issues, including hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormones. It can cause tiredness and weight gain.

How Often Do You Receive Treatment?

How often and how long you undergo treatment depends on:

  • Type of cancer
  • How advanced the cancer is
  • Type of immunotherapy you receive
  • How your body reacts to treatment

You may receive treatment every day, week, or month. Some forms of treatment are provided in cycles. A cycle is a set period of treatment followed by some rest time.

The rest period allows your body the chance to recover, respond to immunotherapy treatment, and create new healthy cells.

How Can You Tell if Treatment Is Working?

Following immunotherapy treatment, you’ll see your doctor often. He or she will provide you physical exams and ask you how you feel.

You will take medical tests, including blood tests and various types of scans. These tests will assess the size of your tumor and scan for shifts in your blood work.

How Is Immunotherapy Provided?

Different types of immunotherapy may be administered in different ways.

These include intravenous (IV.) This is when the immunotherapy treatment goes directly into a vein. Immunotherapy treatment can also be provided orally, available in pills or capsules to swallow.

Topically is another option. Immunotherapy is also available in a cream that you can rub into your skin. The form of immunotherapy can be used for very early skin cancer.

Finally, it can be administered using an intravesical method. This immunotherapy goes directly into the bladder.

Follow up Care

Receiving care for side effects following immunotherapy treatment is essential. While many side effects will fade when treatment ends, some effects can persist beyond the treatment period.

Other side effects may appear months or even years later after treatment. Your health care team can help you manage persistent, long-term side effects.

If you require seamless and remote cancer care, we’re here to help. Learn more about our services and how they can help you comfortably here.