
Meditation For Oncologist Stress Relief


What is an Oncologist?

An Oncologist, also known as an cancer specialist, is a doctor who
assists in treating cancer while providing medical care for someone diagnosed with cancer.
With a focus on three major areas based on treatment for cancer patients: medical
oncology, surgical oncology, and radiation oncology, the role of an oncologist is by no means
an easy feat.

Stress & Oncology

With long working hours, around the clock patient care, and dealing with the stress &
anxiety that a cancer diagnosis can naturally bring, many oncologists are tired, anxious, and
riddled with stress. Left untreated or not looked after, burning the candle at both ends can
lead many oncologists on the path of depression and additional ailments/disease within the

With mental health conditions on the rise across the globe, this is not an exception to
oncologists. Burnout is one of the leading causes of medical error and decreased quality of
patient care, along with compassion fatigue and overall physical, mental, and emotional
exhaustion. Constant worry and stress, coupled with a heavy workload, can leave havoc on
both the body and the mind for any oncologist.

Taking Care of Your Health

The role of an oncologist is one to be admired. Dedicating their time
to helping cancer patients heal, all while providing emotional support, is a role that is not
easy. Oncologists are true life savers and healers in this world, which is why it is extremely
important that they, too, take care of their overall health and wellbeing in order to thrive
both personally and professionally.

Here at OncoPower, we know how difficult it can be for oncologists to
manage their schedule, provide emotional support, all while maintaining balance in their
personal lives. We have developed a Daily Check-In on the app where you can keep track of
your mental health and see which areas of your life need improvement in order to achieve
optimal wellness. Along with the daily check in, we have dedicated a section to our
Mindfulness Suite, where we have specific meditations and breathing
exercises to assist oncologists with stress relief.

How Does Meditation Help Oncologists?

Meditation is one of the leading tools to assist people with handling life’s pressures and
finding balance and equilibrium in everyday life. Not only is it scientifically and clinically proven that meditation alleviates physical and psychological suffering in cancer patients, but
it has the same results for oncologists as well.

Through finding silence and stillness, oncologists can use meditation to calm their
sympathetic nervous systems, while decreasing cortisol levels within the body. With a never-
ending ‘to do’ list, caring for many patients at once, and an over thinking mind, the practice
of meditation will assist oncologists in lowering their heart rate and blood pressure, regulate
emotions, reduce stress, improve self-awareness, and enhance concentration and mental
clarity (to name a few).

Meditation and breathing exercises shift your awareness into a
new way of thinking and be-ing. You begin to view the world from a different lens. Little
things that would once trigger you seem to disappear. The heaviness of work seems to
dissipate. With consistent practice, meditation increases memory, cognition, and attention
for oncologists as well. It is also scientifically proven to help with symptoms of PTSD and aid
in insomnia.

Practicing Meditation on OncoPower

As mentioned above, we have a Meditation Suite dedicated to assisting Oncologists with
relieving stress and anxiety from their day to day lives. The easy to use guided meditations
are also a great resource for oncologists to share with cancer patients who are looking to
relieve the stresses that a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment can bring.
Make sure to visit our OncoPower app to access our meditations for
oncologists and meditations for cancer healing. Here you can also find additional resources and access to a large community of oncologists and cancer patients.

And if you are interested in a 1:1 consultation with a Meditation teacher, make sure to reach
out to Natalie Thomas, our dedicated Meditation cancer care and oncologist specialist at
OncoPower, who can assist you on your mindfulness journey.proven that meditation alleviates physical and psychological suffering in cancer patients, but
it has the same results for oncologists as well.
Through finding silence and stillness, oncologists can use meditation to calm their
sympathetic nervous systems, while decreasing cortisol levels within the body. With a never-
ending ‘to do’ list, caring for many patients at once, and an over thinking mind, the practice
of meditation will assist oncologists in lowering their heart rate and blood pressure, regulate
emotions, reduce stress, improve self-awareness, and enhance concentration and mental
clarity (to name a few).
<strong>Meditation and breathing</strong> exercises shift your awareness into a
new way of thinking and be-ing. You begin to view the world from a different lens. Little
things that would once trigger you seem to disappear. The heaviness of work seems to
dissipate. With consistent practice, meditation increases memory, cognition, and attention
for oncologists as well. It is also scientifically proven to help with symptoms of PTSD and aid
in insomnia.
<h3>Practicing Meditation on OncoPower</h3>
As mentioned above, we have a Meditation Suite dedicated to assisting Oncologists with
relieving stress and anxiety from their day to day lives. The easy to use guided meditations
are also a great resource for oncologists to share with cancer patients who are looking to
relieve the stresses that a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment can bring.
Make sure to visit our <strong>OncoPower app</strong> to access our meditations for
oncologists and meditations for cancer healing. Here you can also find additional resources
and access to a large community of oncologists and cancer patients.
And if you are interested in a 1:1 consultation with a Meditation teacher, make sure to reach
out to Natalie Thomas, our dedicated Meditation cancer care and oncologist specialist at
<strong>OncoPower</strong>, who can assist you on your mindfulness journey.

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